Electromagnetic therapy
What is the electromagnetic therapy?
The Electromagnetic Therapy aims to help the cells of the body to improve their metabolism and accelerate their regenerative innate functions. Therefore the electromagnetic stimuli are just a wakening call for our cells to take action and get better in a shorter time.
The cells in the human body are made up of membrane which protects and guards all the integral parts of the cell, located in the cytoplasm. The function of the cell membrane is to manage the movement in and out of the chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other ions or protons.
- To enable these functions the cell membrane needs power, or voltage, which is enabled by the electric and magnetic fields that the body possesses. When the membrane weakens these functions are not fully performed, and consequently the cell will not function properly.
- Since the same cells form tissues and tissues form organs, a chain is created where the organ will be weaker or damaged as a result of improper cell function.
- Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy aims to stimulate the cell membrane to perform its functions, causing the organs to regenerate, heal or relieve momentary pain.
This regeneration process started in the 19th century and it has been developed and applied more and more. This therapy is used in every country, but it’s advised to always consult with your doctor.
Note** In the electromagnetic therapy, the magnets are electro-charged but they are not harmful to your body because the intensity and duration are properly registered and tested to provide the expected results.
Electromagnetic therapy
What is the electromagnetic therapy?
The Electromagnetic Therapy aims to help the cells of the body to improve their metabolism and accelerate their regenerative innate functions. Therefore the electromagnetic stimuli are just a wakening call for our cells to take action and get better in a shorter time.
The cells in the human body are made up of membrane which protects and guards all the integral parts of the cell, located in the cytoplasm. The function of the cell membrane is to manage the movement in and out of the chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other ions or protons.
- To enable these functions the cell membrane needs power, or voltage, which is enabled by the electric and magnetic fields that the body possesses. When the membrane weakens these functions are not fully performed, and consequently the cell will not function properly.
- Since the same cells form tissues and tissues form organs, a chain is created where the organ will be weaker or damaged as a result of improper cell function.
- Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy aims to stimulate the cell membrane to perform its functions, causing the organs to regenerate, heal or relieve momentary pain.
This regeneration process started in the 19th century and it has been developed and applied more and more. This therapy is used in every country, but it’s advised to always consult with your doctor.
Note** In the electromagnetic therapy, the magnets are electro-charged but they are not harmful to your body because the intensity and duration are properly registered and tested to provide the required results.
How the Electromagnetic Therapy helps you?
Check more about the health conditions
Patients with Osteoporosis
I had a terrible injury and my forearm was broken. Until that moment I did not know that I was suffering from osteoporosis. My bone density was low, and doctors advised me to start an electromagnetic wave treatment. The therapy helped me a lot and lucky me that I was at the beginning of the disease.
Patients Disc Conditions
Always sitting in a chair was one of the main factors for spinal disorders. I was experiencing back pain for a while, but I ignored it thinking it was temporary. One day I decided to do a visit, and the scanner showed an unusual posture of my spine. My doctor recommended the electromagnetic therapy, mostly because it was a cure that did not involve drugs or harmful waves.
Patients with Sports injuries
During training, I experienced a serious injury from a colleague of mine. The situation was quite difficult and the process very painful. Later in the healing process, I started the electromagnetic field therapy. Not only was it painless, but also a faster and more natural treatment. I should emphasize that the electromagnetic field therapy helped me get through this without consequences.
Patients with Wound healing
A normal day at home while I was cleaning, the window glass broke and I got cut. The wound was deep and the healing time would last. During the regeneration process of the wound, my doctor suggested a treatment that would stimulate the cells with electromagnetic waves. The doctor specified that these waves are not harmful to the body.
Patients and their pet’s injuries
Herni is my best friend. We have played in many parks and lots of games together. He got old and could no longer run as before. The desolate dog felt pain. The vet advised us of a therapy that would treat the problem from where it started, in his cells. Herni is back to its normal life, and we are very satisfied with the electromagnetic therapy.
Patients and wellness improvement
I can say that I felt small disturbances in different areas of my body, which ruined my comfort during the day. There came a moment when the situation started to become irritating, I was not able to focus on anything. While searching the internet, I read about a therapy which pushed the cells to regenerate. Consequently, the body would be as calm and painless as possible. The electromagnetic therapy was the perfect solution.